Join Anj for an 80mins Deep Restorative Yoga indulgence once a month on Sunday afternoon. Create some time to slow down, deeply rest and restore your body and mind. The next two classes are April 10 and May 8.
This 80 mins class consists of 4 yoga postures and concludes with a guided relaxation. Each posture is completely supported and held by yoga props (bolsters, blankets and blocks), allowing your body to release muscle tension whilst supporting your bones and joints.
Being still in these postures for a period of time allows your body to soften, yield and let go.
We will use the breath to further guide you into a deeper state of rest and to help quieten the busy mind.
This practice leaves you feeling deeply rested and grounded, bringing a sense of ease to your body, mind and breath.
Book your place for both Sundays. Our next Restorative Sunday will be May 8th